-The Gower Chorale -


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A Warm Welcome

Our mission statement is

“to advance public education and appreciation of classical choral music by presenting public concerts in Mumbles and the surrounding area and through the provision of tuition and training to young soloists and to or for such charitable purposes as the trustees shall decide.”

With that statement in mind, we will be delighted to welcome new choir members. Our singing year starts in the Autumn . No matter what section you sing with, you will be very welcome to join us. We have the reputation of being a very friendly choir, and I would like to have the opportunity to prove that to you! If you would like further information, please contact me on 01792 207950, or email me at ssrs@talktalk.net.

Thank you for taking time to read this introduction. I hope you will want to learn more about the choir, and as a chorister with The Gower Chorale for over 15 years, I hope I can welcome you to a practice session.

Once again, thank you for taking an interest in this introduction.

Sheila Stevens,Chair